Let’s level with each other— we’re pretty much in a baby boom, which is why I’m so quick to share my thoughts and reflections on motherhood while I’m still a newbie. Maybe it’ll help another mom or mom-to-be not feel so alone.
First of all, congratulations! Being a first-time mom is an incredible journey filled with moments of pure joy and, let’s be honest, moments of sheer overwhelm. From week 40 of pregnancy to those sleepless nights and everything in between, it’s easy to feel like you’re in over your head. But I want to share a little mantra that helped me get through the tough times: “It Won’t Be Like This For Long.”
Embrace the Temporary
As a first-time mom, every stage can feel like it’s going to last forever. But remember, these stages are just that – stages. Here’s how to navigate the ups and downs with this mantra in mind:
1. Week 40 and Beyond: Those last few weeks of pregnancy can feel like an eternity. The waiting, the anticipation, the discomfort – it’s all temporary. Soon, you’ll be holding your little one and those long days will be a distant memory. Nobody is pregnant forever; I googled it: The longest pregnancy on record lasted 12.5 months- and you won’t be pregnant that long!
2. Sleepless Nights: The nights may be long, but the years are short. They say the 3 a.m. feedings won’t last forever. Try to find moments of peace and connection in those quiet, early hours with your baby. It won’t be like this for long.
3. Learning Curve: No one has it all figured out, especially not at the beginning. Every mom feels like they’re just winging it at some point. Trust that you’re doing your best and learning as you go.
4. Overwhelming Emotions: The rollercoaster of emotions – from pure joy to total exhaustion – is normal. Acknowledge your feelings, but remind yourself that this intense period won’t last forever.
Finding Comfort in the Chaos
Here are some tips to help you combat those negative feelings and find comfort in the chaos:
1. Take It One Day at a Time: Focus on getting through one day (or even one hour) at a time. Breaking it down into smaller chunks can make everything feel more manageable.
2. Lean on Your Support System: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s your partner, family, friends, or fellow moms, having a support system can make a world of difference.
3. Celebrate Small Wins: Did you manage to take a shower today? That’s a win! Did the baby smile at you? Another win! Celebrating small victories can boost your spirits and remind you that you’re doing great.
4. Self-Care is Essential: Even a few minutes of self-care can recharge your batteries. A warm bath, a walk outside, or a few deep breaths can help you reset and feel more grounded.
Cherish the Moments
While it’s important to acknowledge that tough times are temporary, it’s also essential to cherish the fleeting moments of joy. The first smile, the tiny fingers gripping yours, the quiet snuggles – these moments are precious and worth holding onto.
You Can Do Difficult Things!
Being a first-time mom is hard, but you are stronger and more capable than you realize. Embrace the journey with all its highs and lows, and remind yourself that “It Won’t Be Like This For Long.” This too shall pass, and you will come out the other side even stronger.
Thank you for being part of this amazing community. We’re in this together, and I’m cheering you on every step of the way.
I’m right there with you!