Hey mamas (and soon-to-be mamas!),
Let’s get real for a moment: becoming a mom is an emotional rollercoaster unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. There are moments when I’m so overwhelmed with joy and love that I feel like my heart could burst. Then, a few hours later, I’m on the verge of tears because I can’t remember when I last slept properly or had a meal that wasn’t interrupted by a diaper change. If you’re a new mom or about to become one, buckle up—this ride is a wild one.
The Highs: Pure Joy and Unconditional Love
Let’s start with the good stuff. You know that feeling when you look at your baby for the first time, and you’re just in awe? I had heard about the instant bond some moms feel, but honestly, it wasn’t quite like that for me right away. I was in shock, exhausted, and trying to process everything. But then, over the next few days, it hit me. The depth of love I felt for this tiny human was like nothing I’d ever known.
Seeing those little eyes look up at you, the way their tiny fingers curl around yours—it’s like time stops for a moment. There’s this primal connection, an overwhelming sense of, “Wow, I made you. You’re mine.”
But it’s not just the baby. Becoming a mom also gives you this newfound strength and confidence. Sure, I’m sleep-deprived, but I’m also a total superhero now. I’ve brought life into the world, and nothing can top that. Those moments of pure joy are what fuel me through the tougher times.
The Lows: Anxiety, Exhaustion, and Guilt😮💨
Now, let’s talk about the tough stuff—because it’s just as real. There’s this anxiety that I wasn’t prepared for. From wondering if my baby is eating enough to obsessing over every little sound they make, it’s a constant mental game. And don’t get me started on Googling every tiny symptom. Spoiler alert: Google will make you feel worse.
Then there’s the exhaustion. I thought I knew what tired was before I had my baby, but this is next-level (but postpartum tired isn’t quite as bad as third-trimester tired). There are nights when I’m awake at 3 a.m., cradling my little one, feeling like I’m in a fog. Some days, I’m so tired that I forget whether I’ve eaten or brushed my teeth. The lack of sleep makes everything feel harder, and there are days when it feels like a never-ending cycle.
And oh, the guilt. The guilt for feeling overwhelmed, the guilt for needing help, the guilt for wanting a break, the guilt for…everything. I’ve questioned myself more times than I can count, wondering if I’m doing this whole “mom” thing right. Sometimes it feels like I’m not enough, even though deep down, I know I’m doing my best.
The Surprises: Unexpected Emotions and Growth🌟
One thing I didn’t expect was how much I’d change as a person. Before becoming a mom, I had all these ideas of what motherhood would look like, and spoiler: It’s not what I imagined. But in a weird way, it’s even better. I’ve learned so much about myself in these early weeks and months. I’ve become more patient (still working on it), more empathetic, and more resilient.
There’s also this deep bond with other moms. When I’m out and about with my baby, there’s this unspoken connection between moms. Like we’ve all been through the trenches together, and we just get it.
The Rollercoaster: It’s Okay to Feel It All 🎢
Here’s the thing, mama: it’s okay to feel it all. The highs, the lows, the moments of pure joy, and the moments of doubt. Motherhood is an emotional rollercoaster, and no one tells you just how intense it can be. Some days you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world, and others you’ll feel like you’re barely holding it together.
But I promise you, every feeling you’re experiencing is valid. It’s okay to cry because you’re exhausted and overwhelmed. It’s okay to laugh at the chaos, to lean on others for help, and to take a moment for yourself. Most importantly, it’s okay to not have it all figured out.
You’re Not Alone
If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this, it’s that you’re not alone. The emotional rollercoaster is something every new mom experiences in one way or another. You’re doing an amazing job, even when it feels like you’re just getting by. Keep holding on to those little moments of joy, and remember that the tough times won’t last forever.
So, if you’re in the thick of it right now—know that I see you, and I’m right there with you. Let’s ride this rollercoaster together, one emotional twist and turn at a time.
Cheering for you 🩵